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Miracles, Veda and Modern Science

I. Background

1. Miracles are phenomena or events which cannot be explained by conventional science; because miracles cannot be explained in terms of science their existence is often challenged. Even when they are seen in reality explanations for their occurrence are subject to frequent debate and controversy. Since the rise of modern science anti-supernatural arguments have stressed the principle of uniformity. Scientists argue that:

    – Scientific understanding is always based on constant repetition of events.
    – Miracles are not constantly repeated.
    – Therefore, there is no scientific way to understand miracles.

2. Two things should be noted about this argument. First, this form of the argument does not deny that unusual events like miracles may occur. It simply says that scientific law is based on regularities. And until one can establish a constant conjunction between cause and effect there is no scientific basis for assuming a causal connection between them.

3. Second, neither does this argument deny that there is any scientific way to analyze singularities, such as the origin of the universe, or the origin of life, or receiving one message from outer space. It simply says that observed regularities must be the basis for analyzing singularities. For example, if we observe over and over again that a certain kind of effect regularly results from a certain kind of cause then when we discover even a singular case of this kind of effect (whether from the past or present), we have a scientific basis for assuming it had the same kind of cause too. This same assumption is behind the scientists’ search for a chemical basis for the origins of life and an evolutionary basis for the origin of species. In both cases repeatable observations in the present are used as a basis for understanding the singularity of origin in the past. Without this principle of uniformity there would be no way of getting at singularities in either the past or the present.

4. In brief, the principle of repeatability which scientists use to attack miracles actually boomerangs to support the miracles. Scientist is defeated at its own game of science on its own principles.

II. Phenomena unexplained yet widely accepted

1. If one already believes that there are facts which it is impossible for science to explain, then one would be already predisposed towards a belief in miracles. Such facts could be:

    Religious experiences in people
    Selfless love and sacrifice
    Objective values (e.g., morality)
    God and an afterlife
    Free will
    Mind or consciousness
    Basic uniformities of nature
    The fact that the uniformities permit life
    Laws of logic
    Abstract entities, like numbers
    The existence of the universe itself
    The fact that something exists

2. It is argued above that when people work as scientists, they necessarily have a scientific worldview. But do they, in addition, necessarily believe that such a worldview is complete and not contradicted by anything else in reality? There are indeed scientists who do not regard the scientific worldview to be complete in that way. In their scientific work, they are only methodological scientists and not also metaphysical scientists. That is, they assume laws of nature as an outlook presupposed by their scientific work, but they do not regard naturalism to be generally true of all reality. They might say, “I can make no reference to miracles here in science, but science is limited; there are aspects of reality that lie beyond it.”

III. Miracles and Modern Science

1. Traditional science excludes miracles altogether. But quantum mechanics and thermodynamics make miracles possible, the Multiverse makes them likely, and the Anthropic Principle makes it possible for us to actually observe them.

2. From Impossible to Improbable: Classically speaking Law of Conservation of Energy states impossibility of building a machine which makes energy out of nothing. The definition of a miracle in terms of impossibility is useful, but times have changed. Ludwig Boltzmann discovered that the so-called Second “Law” of Thermodynamics is not a statement of prohibition – it is only a statement of improbability. The flow of heat from a cooler body to a hotter isn’t impossible, it is just improbable. The probability of it happening to a measurable extent is extremely small, but nevertheless it is a positive number greater than zero (the exact size of which depends on what the temperatures of the “hotter” and “cooler” bodies are and how much heat we want to flow between them).

3. Quantum mechanics takes this a step further, because in the quantum world almost anything is possible with some non-zero probability. For example, quantum mechanics says that objects can penetrate (classically) impenetrable barriers. You probably won’t get through a brick wall just by walking into it, but there is some extremely small but non-zero probability that you will.

4. Since, in practice, the notion of “impossibility” is a very useful one, we have had to redefine the meaning of “impossible”. Where it used to mean a zero probability, now it means a very small probability.

IV. The Anthropic Principle

1. The critical part of this Anthropic Principle is the statement that “regardless of how improbable” an event is, the improbability could be lower than any chosen bound for “impossibility”, which means that the Anthropic Principle is telling us that, in certain circumstances, an “impossible” event must have happened. Thus the Anthropic Principle gives us a scientific theory of “miracles”.

2. An Example: One of the biggest mysteries of biology is the origin of life. The combination of Darwin’s theory of evolution, the fossil record and modern genetics can tell us a lot about the evolution of life from the earliest single-celled organisms up to the appearance of human beings and other modern life forms. But we remain profoundly ignorant about how the first life form arose from non-living predecessors. What the Anthropic Principle tells us is that if there is no way for life to form without some miraculous event E, then, by the principle of necessity, and the observation that we do exist, we can conclude that miracle E did occur.

V. Multiverses

1. There are really only two ways to get a large number of opportunities for unlikely events to happen within a universe like our own:

    – The universe is really, really large, or,
    – There is a really, really large number of different “parallel” universes, a so-called multiverse.
    – Either or both of these options will work. As far as we know, there is currently no known upper bound on the physical size of the universe.

2. As for the multiverse, it is not even possible in principle to place an upper bound on the number of distinct “universes”, once we admit the possibility of there existing some universe other than our own. If you prefer to actually know that there must exist multiple universes, before you are prepared to believe that there might exist multiple universes, then your best option is probably the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. The Many-Worlds interpretation asserts that the quantum wave-function doesn’t “collapse”, and this non-collapse forces a reinterpretation of classical approximations to quantum mechanics as ever-splitting classical “universes”. The number of “splits” that you can get from the Many-Worlds interpretation is more than enough to create a bacterium-sized origin of life miracle.

VI. Spotting Miraculous Evolution

1. One of the supposed “fallacies” of evolution is the idea that there is something special about the sequence of evolutionary steps leading to our own existence. Evolution is the result of the natural phenomena of mutation, recombination and natural selection acting on our ancestors in the same way as on the ancestors of all other living creatures. To think otherwise is to give ourselves an unjustified special place in the scheme of things, as if we were the very thing for which the Universe had been constructed (for example, by God).

2. It’s all very humbling to accept that we are not special; except that the Anthropic Principle suggests that maybe we are still special. If there are any miracles in the path of evolutionary development, those miracles will only be observed on that part of the evolutionary pathway which leads directly to us. As the reconstructions of genetic evolution become more detailed, it may turn out to be possible to spot these miracles, or, at least, to spot characteristics of evolution on the “main line” (i.e. the line leading to us).

VII. Aliens Explained

1. Until we find hard evidence that some miracle has occurred in the origin and evolution of life, it might seem that the Anthropic Principle is a theory looking for something to explain. But there is one mystery that it can help clear up, which is the mystery of the missing aliens. We would expect that if an alien civilisation developed to the stage of current human civilisation, then soon afterwards it would expand into space and have a visible effect on its surroundings, and one way or another we would be able to observe this effect ourselves. But there is no visible sign of any life in the universe other than our own, leading to speculation about what “happened” to the aliens.

2. If the development of intelligent life requires one or more miracles, then we will never see the development of any intelligent life independent of our own origins. Of course if there’s a multiverse of universes, then there will be aliens living in other universes, but almost every intelligent species will be utterly alone in the universe that it inhabits (and we must presume that there is no way to travel between universes, otherwise we would be back to having to explain why we can’t see any aliens ourselves).

VIII.Miracles and Parapsychology

1.In the field of parapsychology we have a large number of classes of mental and physical phenomena which are considered miracles. These three classes are given below:

 Mental phenomena: often described as extrasensory perception – phenomena aquired by means other than five senses, this class includes unusual mental states or abilities, such as:

    • Telepathy – thoughts, feelings & activities of other person
    • Clairvoyance – remote viewing
    • Precognition – Information about future place or events before they happen

 Physical phenomena: this class includes unusual physical occurrences, such as:

    • Psychokinesis – remote movement by mind
    • Poltergeists – spirits moving inanimate objects
    • Stigmata – marks, sores or pains at locations of crucification wounds of Jesus
    • Paranormal vanishing – disappearance of object or person before an audience
    • Reality shifts – changes in physical (easy healing) or in spatial environment
    • Materializations – appearance of some material out of nothing

 Survival phenomena: this class deals with the survival of consciousness after physical death and includes:

    • Ghosts – spirits or apparition of a deceased person or his likeness
    • Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) – sensation of floating outside one’s body and seeing oneself from outside
    • Reincarnation – rebirth
    • Near-death experiences (NDEs) – experiencing clinical death and then revivied (more common in modern times specially with the development of cardiac resuscitation techniques)

 Other miraculous phemomena which scientists have been unable to explain are:

    • Alien abduction experiences – non-human creatures (usually aliens) kidnap individuals
    • Cryptozoology – animals rumoured to exist but no proof eg. Yeti, Sea-serpent, mythological animals
    • Deja vu – witnessing or experiencing new situation perviously
    • Folie a deux – madness (other psychoses) shared by two individuals by transmission from one to another
    • Spontaneous human combustion – burning of a person’s body without external source of ignition
    • UFOs – Flying object’s that remain unidentified

2. To be classified as a miracle, a phenomenon must lack a scientific explanation. When an any such miracle receives a valid scientific explanation, it becomes an accepted scientific truth. This has happened in the past in many cases. For example, while the idea of stones falling from the sky was once considered anomalous, meteorites are now acknowledged and well understood. Another examle is that of electromagnetic fields (EMF). At one time EMF was debatable from a scientific perspective but later was proven to be real and is currently accepted by scientific and medical communitities.

IX. Veda, Miracles and Modern Science

1. The Vedas describe an ultimate reality, which they call Brahman. The awareness of this reality is attained through the practice of yoga and meditation. “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman) is the statement of this realization and identification, which is synonymous with the concept of nirvana. Conceptions of Brahman and nirvana are integral to the different schools of Indian and Buddhist Philosophy. However until, recently, they had not been subject to scientific scrutiny. Physicists have discovered that the various quantum fields, which underline all physical reality, arise from one common source, namely the unified field. There is an over all connection between two primary realities-the unified field and consciousness.

2. John Wheeler and Roger Penrose, the foremost theorists about space and time believe that the mysteries of consciousness and quantum physics are linked. Penrose insists that a universe whose laws do not take consciousness into account is not much of a universe. The theory that consciousness emerged as a natural consequence of the unique features of our universe has become a topic of much scientific discussion. It is called the “Anthropic Cosmological Principle”.

3. In quantum physics consciousness could scarcely play a more pivotal role. No quantum phenomenon is a phenomenon until is observed in a communicable form by a conscious observer. For example, a photon exists both as a wave and as a particle, but the individual property of a wave or a particle becomes manifest only hen it is observed.

4. According to Vedic and Buddhist spiritual traditions, consciousness is not something that comes about merely though the functioning of neural connections in the brain but is a basic characteristics of all reality, a spirit pervading all manifestations. The role of the human nervous system is to provide an appropriate material structure to individualize consciousness. In other words, we are the tuners of the all-pervading field of cosmic awareness. The discoveries of modern quantum physics seem, therefore, to parallel Vedic and Buddhist conjectures about the nature of reality.

X. Conclusion

1. The current reality is something akin to what prevailed in the Age of Alchemy when the then so-called Alchemists were engrossed in their search for the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’, the substance which was believed to transform lesser metals into gold. Though they never found the much sought after stone itself, their quest promoted science in general. Ultimately leading to the industrial revolution and modern science.

2. In our search for an explanation of consciousness we may or may not be able to solve the riddle of reality, but our attempts at solving this problem have lead, and will continue to lead to amazing discoveries about consciousness and related matters. And with the passage of time many of the phenomena – mental or physical classified at present as miracles will find scientific explanations.


January 18, 2007 at 12:42 pm 10 comments

India TV

Jyotishacharya Vishnu Bhaskar will be appearing in the India TV program ‘India Bol’ from 12-2 am on 16th January to speak about the belief in ‘Naag Mani’ and other issues related to faith healing and miracles.

This will be his fourth appearance on India TV.
Prior to this he has spoken about the Ingress of Saturn in various signs and the effect of this on people born under different Rashi’s Birth Moon sign). He also spoke about miracles, consciousness and theories of quantum physics in a previous appearance.

January 15, 2007 at 7:42 pm Leave a comment

Saturn ingress in Cancer 2007

I. Introduction:

Saturn ingressed Cancer on 10th January 2007 at 18:24 hrs IST. It will remain in Cancer till 04:48 IST 16th July 2007. The prediction for people born in various signs i.e. sign in which moon is placed in their birth horoscope according to Vedic astrology based on Niryana system.

It will cause Saturn saade sati for people born in Gemini, Cancer and Leo (Moon sign at the time of birth). It will also give dhaiya of Saturn to people born in Aries and Sagittarius moon sign. Depending upon the murthy of various signs of Saturn at the time of ingress of Saturn in Cancer the result of this ingress will vary from sign to sign. In the following paragraphs I will give the interpretation of this transit from 10th January 2007 – 15th July 2007 for people born in all the 12 zodiac signs.

II. Prediction for the 12 Rashi (Moon sign)

1. Aries
The Saturn transit in Cancer is in Swarna Pada (Gold Murthy) with Saturn at 4th place causing Laghukalyani dhaiya for people with moon in Aries sign at birth. Such persons will undergo mental, physical and family troubles. There will be disturbed family happiness. There will be obstacles in business and profession with losses due to enemies. The period is going to be full of struggles. However with hard work there will be partial financial success also.

2. Taurus
For persons having their birth Moon in Taurus the transit of Saturn in Cancer will be in Rajat Pada (Silver Murthy) and Saturn placed at third place will be very auspicious. These people will gain success in business and profession and will acquire financial success and wealth by their valour and courage. Their enemies will be vanquished. Government will be supportive. Relatives will also be favourable and will have happy conjugal life. Luck will smile upon them. They will be inclined towards spiritual activities and religious tours.

3. Gemini
The Saturn transit in Cancer will be in Loha Pada (Iron Murthy) with Saturn in 2nd place and will give third dhaiya of Saturn’s saade sati. All these are inauspicious for people having Birth Moon in Gemini.
They will face losses in income and wealth. Relatives will be uncooperative and there will be loss of family happiness. They need to be careful regarding their health. They should also keep calm and maintain their patience as there is likelihood of disturbed conjugal life. Some of them are likely to face loss of prestige in the society.

4. Cancer
Saturn’s ingress for people with their Birth Moon in Cancer will be in Taambra Pada (Copper Murthy) with 2nd dhaiya of saade sati on Birth Moon will be inauspicious. There is likelihood of mental tension, physical troubles, loss of initiative etc.
Relationship with spouse will also take a downward turn. Failure in business and profession. However with struggle and hard work there will be some partial financial gains and sometimes reduced tension.

5. Leo
Saturn’s transit in Cancer will be in Rajat Pada (Silver Murthy) and first dhaiya of saade sati for people with Birth Moon in Leo.
They will face avoidable excess expenses and loss of wealth. Enemies will also cause trouble and loss. Some of them will face uncooperative relatives. There may be diseases and loss of fortune. However with great struggle and hard work there will be some progress in business and profession which will result in income sufficient to meet their basic needs.

6. Virgo
This transit of Saturn will be in Swarna Pada (Gold Murthy) and auspicious 11th Saturn for those with their birth moon in Virgo.
This will give success in business and profession with increased income and wealth. There will be increased social prestige and status. Cooperation from progeny and progress of children is also indicated. However there is likely to be some mental tension with some sudden breaks in the progress.

7. Libra
The Saturn transit will be in Loha Pada (Iron Murthy) with 10th Saturn being poojya for people having Birth Moon in Libra sign.
Luck and fortune will not support the business or profession, however there is likelihood of some increase in wealth which will be more than offset by the excess expenses. Some of them will face sudden obstacles and difficulties in their progress.

8. Scorpio
Saturn’s transit will be in Swarna Pada (Gold Murthy) with poojya Saturn at 9th place for people having Birth Moon in Sagittarius. They will face obstacles and struggle in business and profession, however with hard work there will be increase in income. Some will face loss of initiative and will be susceptible to disease. However with patience and hard work they will be able to remove the obstacles. The influence of Jupiter will create interest in spiritual activities. Success of progeny is also indicated.

9. Sagittarius
Saturn’s transit will be in Taambra Pada (Copper Murthy) with inauspicious placement of Saturn at 8th place giving rise to Saturn’s dhaiya to people having Birth Moon in Sagittarius. They are likely to face obstacles in profession with loss of income and wealth. The period will also be inauspicious for their progeny. They are likely to face sudden obstructions and some of them may face ill-health also. However with hard work and struggle there is likelihood of partial financial success and gain of land or vehicle.

10. Capricorn
Saturn’s transit will be in Rajat Pada (Silver Murthy) with poojya Saturn at 7th place for those having Birth Moon in Capricorn. They are likely to face stress and tension because of poor health of their spouse. There is likelihood of tensed environment in their conjugal life. They are likely to face fluctuating fortune. Trouble to mother and family unhappiness will also be there for some of them. However with hard work during the period, they will get financial success.

11. Aquarius
Saturn’s transit will be in Loha Pada (Iron Murthy) with auspicious Saturn at 6th place for those with Birth Moon in Aquarius.
They are likely to get success in their business and profession with increased income and wealth by their hard work and carefulness. Health will also take a turn for the better. Family life will be happy and peaceful. However due to Iron Murthy there will be some uncertainty and obstacle in their progress from time to time.

12. Pisces
Saturn’s transit will be in Taambra Pada (Copper Murthy) with poojya Saturn at 5th place for people having Birth Moon in Pisces sign. This will cause obstacle in the progress of progeny and are likely to face tension and worries because of them. Their spouses are also likely to face ill-health due to which conjugal life will be disturbed. Though there will be increase in income but expenses will also be excessive. However by hard work and struggle they will be able to gain some success in their profession and sort out their problems.

III Interpretation for Individual:

We have seen above a general interpretation for people with Birth Moon in various signs. The inauspicious prediction will be reduced in the following conditions in an individual’s horoscope.

1. When Saturn is in exalted, own house, virgottama or in a friend’s house.
2. If the Saturn has 30 or more benefic bindu in Sarvashtaka Varga in Cancer sign
3. If Saturn has four or more bindu in Bhinnashtaka Varga in Cancer sign
4. If the Kaksha Lord gives a bindu in Saturn’s Ashtakvarga in Cancer then period of 3.75 months of that Kaksha will be less troublesome
5. If birth nakshatra in Shani Chakra is placed in head, eyes, heart or right hand.
6. When Saturn is well placed with benefic aspect or association.

IV. Conclusion

It is seen that Saturn’s transit in Cancer sign has a varied good and bad effect for people with Birth Moon in various signs. These general results get modified by the 6 factors given in para III above. When a detailed analysis using these conditions is made a more specific prediction is made for an individual.

© Vishnu Bhaskar, Jyotishacharya

January 11, 2007 at 11:19 pm 18 comments

Saturn ingresses Cancer

Today saturn has entered in Cancer sign at 18:24 hrs IST.

It will cause Saturn sade sati for people born in Gemini, Cancer and Leo (Moon sign at the time of birth). It will also give dhaya of Saturn to people born in Aries and Sagitarius moon sign. Saturn will remain in Cancer upto 15th July 2007.

Depending upon the murthy of various signs of Saturn at the time of ingress of Saturn in Cancer the result of this ingress will vary from sign to sign.

In my next post I will give the interpretation of this transit from 10th January 2007 – 15th July 2007 for people born in all the 12 zodiac signs.

January 10, 2007 at 4:37 pm 1 comment


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